Saturday, January 5, 2013

look what i found :) Day 2.

I yolk up this morning at 7:00 a.m. I was egg-sited to see if I had any eggs.  I got dressed and headed out to the coop to see how the chickens had done the first night.

In the corner of my eye I saw a bright green egg :) So I stepped out to get a picture of me and my egg.  Mom took a picture from her and Dad's bedroom window.  

While my family went to a wrestling tournament in Pierz, I stayed home to keep an eye on the chickens.  Grandma Lutz came over around 9:30 to hang out with me. When Grandma came I showed her all my chores I need to do. We found a bright white egg.   

Before Grandma and I went to Clear Lake to get grit, I checked in on the hens one more time. I found another pinkish egg.  When we got home from the store,  there were 2 more eggs. 

At the end of the day, Caleb and I found another under a hen on the ground.  Final count for the first day was 7 very colorful eggs.  I am quite the happy farmer. 

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