Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jan. 20th

Farm fresh omlette 
Family enjoying home grown eggs

When I went out to the coop I found that the chicken waterer was frozen solid:( My girls survived the coldest night of the year so far.Today they gave me five eggs.

Friday night, dad and I cleaned the coop and put down fresh pine shavings for the girls.  They were so eggcited with it.  We also attached the feeder pan to the wall so that they would not get any more shavings into their food.  The girls seemed to be happy with this also.

Watch this!!!! I hung up some bread, on the wall for the girls to peck at.    

Did you can tell what color eggs a chicken will lay by the color of her ear lobe.  


  1. That omelette looks so yummy!! It looks way better than anything you would get at a restaurant plus it's fresh. Very interesting fact about the egg color, I had no idea! You are doing such a great job takin care of your girls, I am really impressed and proud of you. Keep up the great work!! Love, Amanda

  2. Thanks I made a omelettes for my whole family.check for more updates . I will put a chicken fact on every post.

  3. This is Chad I went to school with your mom I think I am going to buy eggs from you guys from now on keep posting your egg results and if you ever have an extra dozen I will buy one.

    1. Well I have a lot of buyers will you take a half dozen;)For 1.25$.If so give me a holler.


  4. Nice job Jurek family on the chicken adventure-
    I was just wondering a day or two ago-- what about the chickens? I had not heard about them for a bit. I like the chicken fact, nice job!
    Kristin Krueger
