Thursday, January 31, 2013


Sorry that I did not updated lately. It has been one month ( I think )  so far with the girls. I have sold  about 7 dozen so tell me if you want eggs ask me.

                 We just saw this in our backyard :) At 5:40 p.m
                                                             **CHICKEN FACT**
                                    Over 50 billion chickens are raised to eat their meat.


Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hi this is Jacob,again.!!! Today "Jan 27th", I got 4 eggs. 1 in the morning, and 3 in the afternoon. People are telling me I should"put up a chicken cam . If you think I should, leave a comment ."Click on comment below this. Then please leave a comment.:)

                                                  **CHICKEN FACT**
                        Chickens will be less 'flighty' if while tending a pen or chicken house the caretaker walks backwards. 

Friday, January 25, 2013


 My mom's friend offered us a two year old horse. This is how I am going to ride.In style!!!!

                    Well I got five eggs today. Two in the morning,  three in the afternoon. Today I went to the eye doctor. Because my eyes were bugging me,when I read. Then I went to my grand parents house to sleepover.  At 8:30 p.m I went back to check on the girls. 

                                            **CHICKEN FACT**

    A rooster will usually perform a special waltz or dance in an attempt to attract a mate.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Today I got one egg in the morning. Then I went to school when I got back I got......5 more eggs!!!

                                    **CHICKEN FACT**                  
                                         The average chicken lays about "260"eggs per year.

Monday, January 21, 2013


So far the girls gave me four eggs.The girl's waterer was frozen solid agin.  It got down to 8 degrees in the coop last night.

                                           **CHICKEN FACT**
                                  **There are more chickens living on earth than people**

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jan. 20th

Farm fresh omlette 
Family enjoying home grown eggs

When I went out to the coop I found that the chicken waterer was frozen solid:( My girls survived the coldest night of the year so far.Today they gave me five eggs.

Friday night, dad and I cleaned the coop and put down fresh pine shavings for the girls.  They were so eggcited with it.  We also attached the feeder pan to the wall so that they would not get any more shavings into their food.  The girls seemed to be happy with this also.

Watch this!!!! I hung up some bread, on the wall for the girls to peck at.    

Did you can tell what color eggs a chicken will lay by the color of her ear lobe.  

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jan.11 Day 9

It has been 9 days since we brought our hens home.   They have adjusted well and have laid several eggs for us.  We are averaging about 4-5 eggs each day.  This morning, our family had our first breakfast of home grown eggs.

  Friday, I sold my first dozen of eggs to my gym teacher, for $2.50. Then on saturday I sold my second                          
     dozen to my uncle. So I have sold two dozen eggs so far.

                                        **CHICKEN FACT**
                   Chickens are the closest living animal to the t-rex

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 5

 I got up  at 6:00 a.m to go do the chores. We got three eggs in the morning. Then I went to school.When I got back I got I  found two more.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Not much. Day 3

We didn't get much today. I only collected three eggs  today. Went to Fleet Farm to get some food . We got a food block for them to peck
and scratch at.  


Saturday, January 5, 2013

look what i found :) Day 2.

I yolk up this morning at 7:00 a.m. I was egg-sited to see if I had any eggs.  I got dressed and headed out to the coop to see how the chickens had done the first night.

In the corner of my eye I saw a bright green egg :) So I stepped out to get a picture of me and my egg.  Mom took a picture from her and Dad's bedroom window.  

While my family went to a wrestling tournament in Pierz, I stayed home to keep an eye on the chickens.  Grandma Lutz came over around 9:30 to hang out with me. When Grandma came I showed her all my chores I need to do. We found a bright white egg.   

Before Grandma and I went to Clear Lake to get grit, I checked in on the hens one more time. I found another pinkish egg.  When we got home from the store,  there were 2 more eggs. 

At the end of the day, Caleb and I found another under a hen on the ground.  Final count for the first day was 7 very colorful eggs.  I am quite the happy farmer. 

Getting the chickens!!!


    Today mom brought Adam & I  to St.Cloud  to meet Dad. Dad, Adam,& I headed to Motley to pick up five chickens. When we got there we decided that the coop could fit six chicken.  As Adam & I were picking out six chickens...Adam eyed a goofy black chicken that he really liked...

Adam kept looking at the goofy bird and asking about getting it.  Eventually the lady told us that the bird was not worth the food that she feeds it and that she would give it to us for free.  That meant that we were coming home with 7 chicken.

we packed  three in one crate then two in each of the other two crate.We put the crates in the back of the suburban then drove the chickens  two hours away to their new home:)
Nolan helping unload the chickens
Unloading chickens to their new home