Tuesday, November 19, 2013


 Sorry for not updating it for a few months, but these are six big pigs. The one pig on the far right is the runt. That is the one that we chased across county road 11 about 4 times, he is only about 100 lbs. All the pigs are about 4 - 5 months old. All of the other pigs are about 187 lbs. And in the bottom picture in the back of the pic. is the shed we are building.  


  1. Nice pics. How did you get them to pose for you? It looks like they are more behaved than you and your brothers. Hahaha!!!

    1. Ha,ha so when i walked out to take a pic they thought i was going to feed them so they just sat there

  2. Nice looking farm! Sounds like those pigs will keep you in shape! In fact you should keep the small one to chase and work off all that bacon you will be "pigging" out on! :) - uncle doody

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  4. Great post! Stacee and I love we can bring max over to the farm so he can look at all the animals! We also enjoy hearing all the commotion when an animal decides to escape! Looking forward to the next animals you can talk your mom and dad into getting! -Andy

  5. You have some farm there, Jacob! I can't wait to see it when I'm home over the holidays. In fact, I think I still need to try out the eggs! :) You should talk to your cousin Amanda about pigs getting out and having to chase them! She has a great story from when uncle Brad raised pigs. Also, did you know we had a pet goat (Annie) - it was before I was born, so I can't comment on it - but my older siblings can! :) can't wait to see you! Katie
