Monday, April 22, 2013

MORE ANMILS April 22nd

     sorry.!!!!!!!!           please comment 

 NEW cats;) The one on the right is a girl and it's name is Reeses.
        and the other ones name is mrs. si,

      I bought 10 chicks to raise with Grampa's 100  yellow chicks.
I got 5 black and yellow ones, and 5 light orange ones.


                                                Rosa laid abnormal egg:)
We might  get 2 calves.



                                                       The orangish one on the left is the Buff Orpington.

                                                                  **CHICKEN FACT**
                       For the first 14 days, chicks need to be raised separately in a brooder (not on pond), 


  1. Your little black chickie looks like a penguin? I like their little Booties lined up at the water bar. Very Very CUTE!!! Love ya Grama Cindy

  2. I know right !!!!!! thanks,

    jacob j

  3. If you get your 2 calves you should name them Ginger and Sugar?

  4. Wow Jacob - you are becoming such a farmer, I love it! what made you decide to get the chicks to raise with Grandpa's? Does that mean you need to run over there and feed all 110 of them?! Keep the posts coming I love reading about how your farm is doing! I think I'll be in MN in Sept. and would love to try some of your eggs! Love you, Katie

  5. I'm waititng for a new blog, and am hoping it has a little "Bull" in it? Ha Ha Ha, Love ya Gram Gram.
