Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Spring Time = Babies

                                                MORE BABY ANIMALS 
 In early April, we got nine piglets -a whole litter, so that means that they are all brothers and sisters.  It was still cold and the piglets were small, we were worried if they could survive outside.  So we put them into a trailer and parked it in our heated garage.  They lived in there for 2 weeks.  Then we moved the trailer to the shed, where they stayed for another 10 days.  Finally the weather was warm enough to move them outside to their pen.

About the same time as we got the piglets, we hatched 2 chicks from eggs that we had incubated.  We were hoping for a few more to grow our flock.  So we picked up 10 organic chicks from mom's coworker. When we got the chicks they went straight to the coop, but in a little separate area from the bigger chickens.    

The other chickens are doing well and laying good for us.  The calves are still alive and slowly growing.  Springtime means new babies on the farm, but it also means a lot of work to get ready for another year of raising animals.