Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I thought I was done with babies!!

Last night, Kelly and Logan took grandpa's truck and headed to WI.  They returned a little before 9 with 2 baby 2 week old jersey bull calves.   The boys were quite excited to see 2 calves, as they were under the impression that Logan was getting one tonight.  We unloaded them and made them comfortable in their new homes.   The boys wanted to stay and watch them, but it was already past bedtime.

The calves made it through the night with Kelly and I getting very little sleep as we listened for coyotes, and any noise from the calves.  Glad to say that they both survived the night.

Unloading from the truck
Nolan checking in on Bucky

The boys were up early to make bottles and feed.  Very excited to this today, let's hope the excitement continues.
Mixing the milk


Farm Visit

On Sunday we built a calf barn in hopes of buying some calves soon.  We figured we should have a place for them before we get to serious about looking for something to buy.

We also went to one of Mom's coworkers to farm to look at some calves.  It was a big farm with lots of different animals: goats, sheep, chickens, cows, horses, donkeys, and a brand new calf.  We looked at everything.  The calves were yearlings, so they were a bit bigger than we wanted, but we did get a chance to milk a cow.