Sunday, January 26, 2014


                                 We got some bread from our farmer friend, and she told me to feed it to our chickens and it will double our egg production. I went home and fed it to my chickens and in the next two days I got 15 eggs but I usually only get 6-8!! That night we went to get in the car and my dad saw a cow out, so it took us about 25 mins. to catch him and put in the pen. Just as we were going down the drive way and we saw cow tracks going down the drive way and on the Ericksons' drive way up to the shed then to the porch then to the pool and on the pool and around the love shack then back to the pen. So then we finally get to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. :)

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                                                          ** CHICKEN FACT** 

How Eggshells Can Naturally Heal Your Cavities and More

Eggshells contain the perfect amount of the ideal substances for healing cavities – massive amounts of calcium and 27 other minerals. The composition of eggshells resembles our teeth. Eggshells provide the necessary amount of calcium to remineralize teeth. Just boil shells from one organic free range egg  for about 5 minutes. You can add them daily into your smoothies or grind them into a fine powder and add it to your food. NOT MY FACT,  FROM A WEB SITE!!!!!!!!!!!! I might try this!