Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Spring Time = Babies

                                                MORE BABY ANIMALS 
 In early April, we got nine piglets -a whole litter, so that means that they are all brothers and sisters.  It was still cold and the piglets were small, we were worried if they could survive outside.  So we put them into a trailer and parked it in our heated garage.  They lived in there for 2 weeks.  Then we moved the trailer to the shed, where they stayed for another 10 days.  Finally the weather was warm enough to move them outside to their pen.

About the same time as we got the piglets, we hatched 2 chicks from eggs that we had incubated.  We were hoping for a few more to grow our flock.  So we picked up 10 organic chicks from mom's coworker. When we got the chicks they went straight to the coop, but in a little separate area from the bigger chickens.    

The other chickens are doing well and laying good for us.  The calves are still alive and slowly growing.  Springtime means new babies on the farm, but it also means a lot of work to get ready for another year of raising animals.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


                                 We got some bread from our farmer friend, and she told me to feed it to our chickens and it will double our egg production. I went home and fed it to my chickens and in the next two days I got 15 eggs but I usually only get 6-8!! That night we went to get in the car and my dad saw a cow out, so it took us about 25 mins. to catch him and put in the pen. Just as we were going down the drive way and we saw cow tracks going down the drive way and on the Ericksons' drive way up to the shed then to the porch then to the pool and on the pool and around the love shack then back to the pen. So then we finally get to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. :)

                 PLEASE COMMENT         

                                                          ** CHICKEN FACT** 

How Eggshells Can Naturally Heal Your Cavities and More

Eggshells contain the perfect amount of the ideal substances for healing cavities – massive amounts of calcium and 27 other minerals. The composition of eggshells resembles our teeth. Eggshells provide the necessary amount of calcium to remineralize teeth. Just boil shells from one organic free range egg  for about 5 minutes. You can add them daily into your smoothies or grind them into a fine powder and add it to your food. NOT MY FACT,  FROM A WEB SITE!!!!!!!!!!!! I might try this!


Friday, November 29, 2013

more about the pigs


    Two of the pigs are going to the market on Dec. third. The two we are going to bring in are about 220 lbs. Uncle Brad is going to bring the other 4 in on Dec. 16th. It is hard to keep animals in the winter.    


                               ** Pig fact **

Pigs constantly communicate with each other. They have a range of different oinks, grunts and squeals which have distinct meanings.

Ginna Hens.

Guinea Hens

I got these 6 guinea hens on Sep. 14th. I got them from the farmer down the road. We put then in the old chicken coop. We had to put fence over the guinea yard, so they don't get out. Because guineas need to be in a in closed area, for a while, other wise they will not stick around if you let them out. We will let them out in the spring, and if they go near the pool we will scare them away. I am mad because 2 of them already died.         

  **CHICKEN FACT**The guinea fowl is a large wild bird that is natively found inhabiting a variety of habitats across the African continent. Today, the guinea fowl has been introduced to various countries around the world as it is farmed by humans. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


 Sorry for not updating it for a few months, but these are six big pigs. The one pig on the far right is the runt. That is the one that we chased across county road 11 about 4 times, he is only about 100 lbs. All the pigs are about 4 - 5 months old. All of the other pigs are about 187 lbs. And in the bottom picture in the back of the pic. is the shed we are building.  

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bad news. July 27

So dad went to check on my girls and when he opened the door Rosa was laying on the ground dead. Rosa was like the only named bird. She would lay large, light brown egg.  Rosa was the "mother hen" of the flock.  However, over the past few weeks, she took to brooding and would not leave here nest box.  Dad did some research and found that some chickens will starve themselves to death trying to hatch her eggs.  She will be missed a lot.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I thought I was done with babies!!

Last night, Kelly and Logan took grandpa's truck and headed to WI.  They returned a little before 9 with 2 baby 2 week old jersey bull calves.   The boys were quite excited to see 2 calves, as they were under the impression that Logan was getting one tonight.  We unloaded them and made them comfortable in their new homes.   The boys wanted to stay and watch them, but it was already past bedtime.

The calves made it through the night with Kelly and I getting very little sleep as we listened for coyotes, and any noise from the calves.  Glad to say that they both survived the night.

Unloading from the truck
Nolan checking in on Bucky

The boys were up early to make bottles and feed.  Very excited to this today, let's hope the excitement continues.
Mixing the milk
